On 11 November, 1857, a two-manual-and-pedal organ was specified for All Saints' by the leading firm of Hill & Son. With small alterations in January 1959 'Op. 1016' of that firm was ultimately constructed at a cost of £380.
The same firm enlarged the organ in 1883; the organist of the Chapel Royal, Mr Jekyll, played at the re-opening.
In 1915, the organ was rebuilt with tubular pneumatic action by Lewis & Co of Brixton, by which time it had acquired a third manual.
Deterioration of the pneumatic action necessitated repair work by J W Walker & Sons of Ruislip in 1958. In 1969, Percy Daniel & Co of Clevedon carried out a complete reconstruction with modern electro-pneumatic action and a movable console, at the same time making adjustments to make a more transparent and bright effect and to remove the heavy components of the tone.
In 2014-5, the organ was extensively overhauled by Harrison & Harrison after a successful fundraising campaign.
One of the early organists was Alfred Cellier, who had been a choirboy at the Chapel Royal with Arthur Sullivan, with whom he was associated for the rest of his life. Cellier came to All Saints' in 1860, when he was only sixteen. He later acted as Director of the Belfast Philharmonic Society and of the Court Theatre in London. He was at one time organist of St Alban's Holborn. Sullivan is known to have visited All Saints' several times and Gustav Holst came on one occasion with a choir.

William Hill 1859, rebuilt Percy Daniels 1969:
- 3 manuals
- 43 speaking stops
22. Bourdon 16
23. Open Diapason 8
24. Stopped Diapason 8
25. Octave 4
26. Wald Flute 4
27. Octave Quint 2 2/3
28. Super Octave 2
29. Tierce 1 3/5
30. Mixture 19.22.26 III
31. Tromba 8
IX. Choir to Great
X. Swell to Great
14. Gedeckt 8
15. Dulciana 8
16. Unda Maris (tenor c) 8
17. Rohr Flute 4
18. Block Flute 2
19. Sesquialtera 12.17 II
20. Clarinet 8
21. Tromba (from Great) 8
IV. Tremulant
V. Octave
VI. Sub Octave
VII. Unison Off
VIII. Swell to Choir
1. Acoustic Bass 32
2. Violone 16
3. Sub Bass 16
4. Bourdon 16
5. Principal 8
6. Bass Flute 8
7. Fifteenth 4
8. Octave Flute 4
9. Trombone 16
10. Posaune (from Swell) 16
11. Tromba (from Great) 8
12. Horn (from Swell) 8
13. Clarion (from Swell) 4
I. Choir to Pedal
II. Great to Pedal
III. Swell to Pedal
32. Open Diapason 8
33. Stopped Diapason 8
34. Viola da Gamba 8
35. Voix Célestes (tenor c) 8
36. Gemshorn 4
37. Fifteenth 2
38. Full Mixture 17.19.22 III
39. Sharp Mixture 22.26 II
40. Oboe 8
XI. Tremulant
41. Contra Posaune (from Horn) 16
42. Horn 8
43. Clarion (from Horn) 4
XII. Octave
XIII. Sub Octave
XIV. Unison Off